But if you’re playing in the newer versions of the game, you can instead check out some of the best Minecraft 1.20 seeds and best Minecraft 1.20 Bedrock seeds. You can use these on Minecraft 1.17 and earlier versions to spawn directly into a variety of unique villagers.

And there’s no better place to get started than the best Minecraft village seeds. Now that you know every detail about all Minecraft villager jobs, you are more than ready to make the most out of your survival world. Also, they definitely despawn after a while, so you cannot keep them or their trades for too long. They can spawn anywhere within a 48-block radius around your location. A wandering trader randomly spawns with 2 leashed trader llamas around the player after 1 in-game day has passed. Moreover, there is no way to turn a regular villager into a wandering trader. From packed ice to flowers, you can expect a diverse range of items from the trader. Unlike villagers with specific items, the trading offers from a wandering trader are usually random. Other than that, they look and act like villagers, and you can even trade with them for unique items. But that’s only because they don’t spawn in a village. Created when a villager claims a brewing stand block, clerics are potion-centric villagers that offer players brewing ingredients like redstone dust and lapis lazuli as they level up. Wandering traders aren’t essentially villagers. But as you can expect, due to limited utility blocks, many villagers are also jobless. For example, if a villager has a composter nearby, it will automatically attain a farmer’s profession. These blocks are also known as job site blocks. The villagers’ jobs depend upon the utility block present around them. How Do Villagers Get their Jobs in Minecraftīefore we look at the common villager jobs in Minecraft, it is important to know how they are assigned these job roles. Weaponsmith – Most Desired of All Minecraft Villager Jobs.Nitwit – Least Liked Minecraft Villager Job.Fletcher – Rarest of All Minecraft Villager Jobs.

Farmer – Most Popular of All Minecraft Villager Jobs.A Complete List of Minecraft Villager Jobs (2023).:IN, villagers can change professions only. A job site block placed decoratively on scaffolding or a fence post, for example, cannot be found by a villager and no job assignment results. How Many Villager Jobs Are There in Minecraft For a villager to claim a job site block :In, the block must be on the ground to allow the villager to pathfind to the job block.How Do Villagers Get their Jobs in Minecraft.